Free Shipping on Selected Products

How long does delivery take?

3-12 business days. (Note: This depends on the delivery address.)


Where does Jisulife ship to?

Global. (Note: Except some remote countries and regions)

How will my delivery be shipped?

After you have successfully placed your order, your order will be confirmed within 48 hours and you will receive an email with information regarding the details of your order.

Your order will be shipped within 3 business days after order being confirmed. Currently, we will only be dispatching from our warehouses from Monday to Friday.

I ordered more than one item. Will they all be delivered at the same time?

We try to make sure all your items reach you at the same time. Sometimes our products are not always sent together since different shipping options can be used, depending on the product. Once an item has been shipped, you will receive a shipment notification email.

Can I change the delivery address of my package after it has been shipped out?

Unfortunately, we cannot change the shipment once the product is en route, but you can cancel an order within 60 minutes and reorder with accurate details.


If the order is canceled by the customer more than 1 hour after placing an order, the customer must bear any return shipping fees that may apply.

If the wrong address is provided by the customer, and this leads to the package being lost or otherwise becoming unrecoverable, the customer shall bear the loss. JisuLife will not replace the order or issue a refund.

As most of orders are currently shipped from China. We are unable to account for any additional customs / import fees upon delivery. You may need to pay additional import fees. If you are not sure whether you will be subject to customs fees, we’d recommend contacting your local customs for more information before placing an order.


If you have any questions, please contact us at